If you are having trouble signing in to Roughnrowdybrawl.com here are some steps:
- Open the Roughnrowdybrawl.com on your computer or phone.
- In the top right, select the "My Account" icon to login with your existing Rough N' Rowdy account or register for a new account and purchase the event.
Have a Rough N' Rowdy or Barstool Sports account account?
If you previously purchased Rough N' Rowdy under an existing email address and are trying to log back in to purchase or view the event do the following:
- Enter your email address. If you have a Barstool Sports account, you may use it to access Rough N' Rowdy.
- On the day of the event, a video player will load that will stream the event directly on roughnrowdybrawl.com
Don't have an account?
- Enter your email address and password
- Going forward, you'll sign in to Rough N' Rowdy using this email and password.